Thursday, October 8, 2009

Big Cartel


Today I opened a new shop with which is similar to etsy but less emphasis on the sellings and promotions of other artists. It's mainly for your personal website selling, like you would put on a business card, not necessarily for sharing and wandering through different handmade sellers web pages.

Although, you can search for other sellers, it's just not as "accessible" as Etsy has it set up. But it's definitely a clean cut website, easy to navigate and post items. Looks great! I'm not sure of the traffic yet so I have a "free" account which only allows me to post 5 items at a time, and one photo, but if things go well, I can always upgrade to the paid one...just trying it out for now.

This website if also for people who have a band, art gallery, studio artists, and of course handmade or vintage items. Got some interesting stuff on there!

My shop URL :

We'll see what happens~

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