This post regards the
Etsy Bloggers ::Blog Carnival:: bi-weekly post, and OF COURSE I wanted to participate as a newbie...
TOPIC: In a few months, the holiday season will be in full swing. What are you planning for: increasing your inventory, festival hopping, networking?
But of course I am planning to get my self geared up for the holidays! It's probably my busiest time. Last year was good, but I'm hoping to do better this year. With the fall approaching...yikes! already!...I'm finishing up custom orders as of now, and moving onto a new collection of turquoise and silver inspired bracelets, rings, necklaces and more! I recently made a trip home (to "Tejas") and brought back mucho turquoise and unique stones to work with.

I went to the
International Gem & Jewelry Show on June 19! One word:
AMAZING! If you've never gone before, you must go! It's worth it and so inspirational! They have wholesale beads, findings, finished jewelry and even fancy diamonds to trendy cheap styles. It's the BEST and goes all over the US.
A few necklaces have already been made and posted form findings at the G & J Show, but that's beaded stuff...the metalwork aspect will come into play very soon. My
Military Medallion pendants have been a big hit with my fellow Facebookers and military friends, so I plan to keep them rolling as the year goes on. I'm gearing up to possibly have a booth at the (OWC) Camp Lejeune Art Fair again this year....and this time, I'll be ready! Last year was fine, but it was also my very first "show" so I didn't know what to expect. Now, I am fully ready to take on the show with a better set up, display, organization, etc. I'm hoping to do well this year! The Art Fair will be in November, usually close to Thanksgiving, I'll post exact dates once I know more ~ My husband should be possibly coming home from Afghanistan around then so we'll have to see if I can actually make it.
As of now I am still selling items via
1000 Markets,
Artfire, as well as
Joolz in Canandaigua, NY and of course through social networking with my
Facebook group and some on
Myspace. If you'd like to be my friend on either of those sites please feel free! Just give me a heads up on where you heard about me. I'd love to connect with other buyers/sellers of handmade goods. Connection is the key!